The Sutherland Grove Conservation Area (SGCA) was established in 1992, when it became clear that so many distinctive features of our houses were already being lost through inappropriate developments. This may explain to newer residents why there are puzzling inconsistencies in style within the Conservation Area. The SGCA Character Appraisal is complimentary and descriptive, speaking of the:
‘….dramatic hilly landscape….. generous & mature front gardens …a pleasant arcadian inter-war suburb….’ giving ‘Arcadian Place’ its name.
Conservation Area status brings additional constraints on development & changes to the appearance of our dwellings. For instance, newer residents are sometimes unaware that removal of any part of a boundary in a conservation area requires Planning Permission. Details can be best checked by emailing (Phone 020 8871 6631 or 020 8871 7564 only if email is not available to you.) Conveyancing Solicitors have a legal obligation to inform purchasers that they are moving into a Conservation Area. It is worrying that there have been a few instances recently where Conveyancing Solicitors appear to have failed to do this.
In 1992, the new SGCA included Whitelands College, with its Gilbert Scott buildings, contemporary with the 1930s houses. These included the Chapel with its famous Burne-Jones stained glass windows, depicting female saints, (since Whitelands College was at that time just for women students). St Cecilia is on the left in this picture – a connection with our St Cecilia’s C of E school. Long-term SGCARA residents remember the delightful Whitelands College events, such as the 5th Nov firework-displays & May Day ‘May Monarch’ celebration to which the whole neighbourhood was invited. Whitelands College moved to its Roehampton site in 2005, and when the college site was re-developed as Whitelands Park, we were delighted that it remained as part of SGCARA, with the 1930s Gilbert Scott buildings at its heart.
1930s chic anyone? ‘Lock-down’ seems to have brought about a spirit of nostalgia – appreciation for simpler, quieter times, music in keeping with ‘We’ll meet again…’ If those of you living in the 1930s houses are planning to change any original features from your house, (eg the distinctive internal 6-panel doors, light switches and fittings, cast-iron external features) don’t just ditch them! Drop us a line & we can email out their availability. Someone into 1930s-chic may appreciate them!