WELCOME to the Sutherland Grove Conservation Area Residents’ Association, ‘SGCARA’. We cover the part of Southfields that comprises Sutherland Grove and the roads and closes leading off it up the hill on the western side – more than 1,000 households.
SGCARA is delighted to have been awarded a Wandsworth Council ‘Sustainable September’ 2024 micro-grant for seeds, bulbs & plants to plant in the tree-pits round our street trees.
Membership subscription (to cover up to two adult residents at a property within SGCARA’s Area – one vote per property – AGM) is a minimum of £5 per year. Additional donations towards SGCARA’s work are much appreciated.”
From Southfields Residents –
Any questions please email southfields.sw18.residents@gmail.com
FAMILY MEET-UP Sat 16 Sept 2023
A number of families with young children met at Saint Cecilia’s school in the beautiful sunshine. One family brought a paddling pool which was very popular in the hot sun, the children bucketing water to the newly-planted trees at the end! They also enjoyed being creative with Duplo, painting and colouring, and getting to know each other. It was an opportunity for the parents to enjoy refreshments, chat and get to know other families in the area.
SGCARA gifted 3 trees for St Cecilia’s quadrangle as a ‘Thank you’ for generously welcoming SGCARA for events.
Almost all this area forms an officially recognised Conservation Area. Founded in 1975. The Association’s prime purpose, as its constitution says, is ‘to promote and assist the preservation, conservation, protection, enhancement and improvement of the area together with the amenities available to it, and to discourage anything which would tend to be detrimental to the area or its amenities’. However, we also see it as an important part of our job to keep our residents informed on local matters and, by running social events, to promote a sense of community.
MORE ABOUT US….. https://www.sgcara.org.uk/about-us/
Combemartin Road Coronation Party May 2023
including larger map